Are shinies on emulator...easier ?
Heya everyone,
I've been playing Pokemon Sapphire on computer recently, I know it's not Emerald but since I have Sapphire but no GBA right now, i'm playing to be able to transfer it to my cartridge soon.
I'm usually pretty unlucky with shinies. In 20 years of playing Pokemon, I only found an Exeggcute in Firered's Safari Zone...which fled of course :') . But on that savefile, i've been able to catch this gorgeous Lairon, which became an Aggron since:)
It's quite a shock as I never got a shiny and definitively wasn't expecting one as nice as this one. The thing is...the friend who sent me this rom got a shiny Tentacool around the same hours played and we used the same rom to play.
I know shinies are kinda weirdly programmed in gen3 so I was asking, did we both got a shiny on similar time simply cause the rom is programmed to ? Kinda like stuff like early frames for resetting in Emerald ? It would be a shame to have this nice steel plated dinosaur just to realize, if it wasn't him, it would had been something else.
My friend and I both have different names in game and both different ID's if that can help. Thanks in advance !
Heya everyone,
I've been playing Pokemon Sapphire on computer recently, I know it's not Emerald but since I have Sapphire but no GBA right now, i'm playing to be able to transfer it to my cartridge soon.
I'm usually pretty unlucky with shinies. In 20 years of playing Pokemon, I only found an Exeggcute in Firered's Safari Zone...which fled of course :') . But on that savefile, i've been able to catch this gorgeous Lairon, which became an Aggron since:)
It's quite a shock as I never got a shiny and definitively wasn't expecting one as nice as this one. The thing is...the friend who sent me this rom got a shiny Tentacool around the same hours played and we used the same rom to play.
I know shinies are kinda weirdly programmed in gen3 so I was asking, did we both got a shiny on similar time simply cause the rom is programmed to ? Kinda like stuff like early frames for resetting in Emerald ? It would be a shame to have this nice steel plated dinosaur just to realize, if it wasn't him, it would had been something else.
My friend and I both have different names in game and both different ID's if that can help. Thanks in advance !